Happy, Healthy and Vegan: The Skinny on Fats.

By Rachel Pérez

One of the clearest health benefits of a vegan lifestyle is the overall lower fat content of plant foods, which comes with perks like lower rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. When it comes to fat, two concepts are worth bearing in mind: (1) Fat is not all bad. (2) Not all fat is bad.
Concept number one is simple enough: humans need fat. Fat is a dense source of calories, our fuel source. A healthy layer of body fat provides energy reserves, works like insulation when it’s cold, regulates body temperature, and makes a pretty nice cushion for internal organs. Fat is also important for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Last but not least, in order to be absorbed most effectively, fat-soluble vitamins require (shocker) fat.